A beloved shared the following excerpt from her journal entry. Bless God, she's captured the secret!
So I’ve been thinking lately of all the things I expect of myself… and the things I feel life expects of me. Then I asked if God expects anything of me and came to the realization that no, he doesn’t. I thought hard about it… only to see that God does desire things for us, but he doesn’t expect anything from us. It’s not because he has no faith in us succeeding, but that his love goes beyond anything here on earth. He does not expect us to be perfect, to live a sinless life, to always do the right, moral thing. Yes, he prefers for us to do so, and pretty much blesses us if we do, but he always gives us a free will… and behind that, grace. Now that is love beyond what I can understand.
So what am I trying to say? That if this is the case, do we live recklessly? We can. But is it wise? Absolutely not. What I’m saying is, if God does not place these expectations on you, why should the world? Isn’t it easier to live for God? Yes, it is because all he asks of us is to be honest to him… and to do things pleasing to him. And pleasing God is so much simpler than what we think. Like, not cheating on a test… or buying your own music. Or be a friend to someone who is in need. Giving someone money on the street… Or asking God for his opinion in leaving a place. Or admitting and asking him for help. I think that’s simpler than winning an oscar, being the best musician, winning a tennis tourn., becoming a millionaire or a top surgeon. Let’s take it from another angle. Pleasing God is also simpler than winning 100 or 1,000 souls, leading worship world-wide, or being the best Sunday school teacher. I think most of us have big dreams for ourselves. Sometimes the dreams consume us. Sometimes the dreams become our purpose. But be careful, because that is not the purpose of our existence.
So what am I trying to say? That if this is the case, do we live recklessly? We can. But is it wise? Absolutely not. What I’m saying is, if God does not place these expectations on you, why should the world? Isn’t it easier to live for God? Yes, it is because all he asks of us is to be honest to him… and to do things pleasing to him. And pleasing God is so much simpler than what we think. Like, not cheating on a test… or buying your own music. Or be a friend to someone who is in need. Giving someone money on the street… Or asking God for his opinion in leaving a place. Or admitting and asking him for help. I think that’s simpler than winning an oscar, being the best musician, winning a tennis tourn., becoming a millionaire or a top surgeon. Let’s take it from another angle. Pleasing God is also simpler than winning 100 or 1,000 souls, leading worship world-wide, or being the best Sunday school teacher. I think most of us have big dreams for ourselves. Sometimes the dreams consume us. Sometimes the dreams become our purpose. But be careful, because that is not the purpose of our existence.
The purpose of our existence is to truly know and walk with God. That’s it.
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:28-31
What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
Romans 8:28-31